The Daily Missal for the celebration of Mass


The iBreviary offers you the complete daily missal to follow the Mass or, if you're a priest, even to celebrate it. It is similar to the missalettes and worship aids found in your church.


The Missal of the iBreviary contains the Ordinary of the Mass, the Eucharistic Prayers, Masses for the the Saints, daily Mass readings, Prefaces, Prayers of the Faithful, Solemn Blessings, rites for various celebrations and other liturgical texts. 




A quick look

Liturgy of the Hours (Roman, Vetus Ordo 1960 version, Ambrosian Rite)
Roman and Ambrosian Missal
Application available in English, Italian, French, Latin, Spanish, Romanian, *Portuguese, *German, *Arabic (*soon to be published)
Mass readings for the current day (full lectionary)
Missal and Breviary for the celebrations of the Saints. (also the commons)
Main prayers of the Catholic tradition
About Saints Day (short bio and picture)
Load up to 15 days to use off-line
Proper texts for Religious Orders
Available for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Kindle Fire, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry, mobile version, widgets.